I developed a shell script to find container IP running on the host machine. This script takes an argument from a user which is "all" either "container name" and based on that it provides IP of containers
Find repo here (find_IP_Address.sh)
In this tutorial, I am gonna explain my script to understand how it works!
as I mentioned my Script name above, run the command below to get help to find out what would be given as an argument.
find_IP_Address.sh --help
--Parameters -> <Name of the container> or <All>
--Sample -> sh find_IP_Address <Parameters>
It is not the case I want to explain. I want to Explain how it finds IP for the given argument.Let's dig the code!
Below code print all containers name and its IP. let see how it is extracting those output.
elif [ "$1" = "All" ]
for container in $(docker ps --format '{{.Names}}')
for ipadd in $(docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}} {{end}}' $container)
echo "IP address of $container container : $ipadd"
we know docker ps command print running containers and --format pretty-prints container output using a Go template (print its value without header)$ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 4c01db0b339c ubuntu:12.04 bash 17 seconds ago Up 16 seconds 3300-3310/tcp webapp d7886598dbe2 crosbymichael/redis:latest /redis-server --dir 33 minutes ago Up 33 minutes 6379/tcp redis,webapp/db
docker ps --format '{{.Names}}' webapp redis,webapp/db
So the command, for container in $(docker ps --format {{.Names}}') command stores each container names
let see how we extracting each container IP.
As we know docker inspect <containerid> print Jason format output below
let see how we extracting each container IP.
As we know docker inspect <containerid> print Jason format output below
$ docker inspect 52249ba75f0f
"Id": "52249ba75f0fa33f93202f4a2d7f83bc71600b8b75ea4db0bc5b56022bf254b6",
"Created": "2017-11-17T14:38:05.340313315Z",
"Path": "/bin/bash",
"Args": [],
"State": {
"Status": "running",
"Running": true,
"Paused": false,
"Restarting": false,
"OOMKilled": false,
"Dead": false,
"Pid": 1535,
"ExitCode": 0,
"Error": "",
"StartedAt": "2017-11-17T14:38:05.638951265Z",
"FinishedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
To Extract containers IP again the --format command comes to rescue us!for ipadd in $(docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}} {{end}}' $container)
# {{range.NetwokSetting.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}} extract container IP
# ipadd store ip of container
# Container name passed as container varible in for parent for loop
So the command for ipadd in $(docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}} {{end}}' $container) command to stores each container IP addressThen, echo "IP address of $container container : $ipadd" Used to print out Container name and its IP
find the full code here
That's pretty much it for TODAY, PEACE
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